PROGRAM * Young Referee Training
Posted by Lee Spooner on 12/1/2023
This program is designed to help young players that would like to take a more active role in our soccer program. This program requires community service hours which will be done in the Soccer program. Participants will also be required to attend training sessions for their selected program, some of this is completed on-line. By the end of the program participants will be given the opportunity to test for their Referee license or Youth I or II coaching certificate. Community service will consist of completing the same duties as our soccer program staff, which include coaching, refereeing, setting up and tearing down the field, field maintenance and working concession stand. We start hiring at 14 and graduates are guaranteed an interview when they become of age. An average new referee will need to train for 15 hours prior to being paid to officiate games at the YMCA. USSF license are good at most clubs in NC and you can be assigned games through the local State Referee assignor for games outside the YMCA.
Age Groups
Ages 13 through 15 [Those 16 and older do not need to go through program to be hired as an employee, but is a good first step to get to know our program.] If you have a current USSF License please let us know when you email us.
· Year Round Program so you can join anytime.
· Total 25 hours of community service required before completing program. Most volunteer one season and work the next once of age.
· Soccer Programing varies on the time of the year, Spring & Fall Leagues and Summer Camps.
· USSF Referee License for a first time referee is $120. (Required for employment at 14 & 15 year old.)
· USYS Coaches License are $25 for Youth I or Youth II. (Required for employment at 15 years old.)
· Sports Staff are encouraged to get their life guard license as you will get hours in the off season. Must be 15.
· $25 Non-Members / $20 Members Includes Referee Jersey
Step 1: Email me interest in the program. [email protected]
Step 2: Set-up and participate in an interview.