Posted by Lee Spooner on 1/30/2025

If you have a question that isn't listed here, please email it to me.
[email protected]

Welcome to the YMCA Soccer Program!
Below are the common questions we receive from the families in our program.  As a parent myself, I welcome you to the world of organized sports, for many of you this will become a part of your weekly life for many years to come.  The YMCA of Southeastern NC started providing youth soccer back in 1975, in that time our biggest take away is that kids play soccer to have fun....that's it.  Therefore our #1 goal is that the player has fun in our program.    

Sections below:
Basic Program Q&A
YMCA Registration / Playerspace Q&A

SPRING 2025 Youth Soccer Leagues

11/15-02/01: On-time Registration

01/15: Playerspace System will switch from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025.

02/02: Late registration opens, open spots will be filled based on when registration is received.

02/10-2/11: Notification of Team Assignments start through PlayerSpace!

02/15 & 02/22: Coaches Meeting and Free Coaches Training
02/17: Practices Start

03/05: Entire Seasons Game Schedule Released

03/03-03/07: Uniforms are distributed at practice.

03/08: First league games of the season.

05/03: Last games of the season. 

06/07-06/08: 3v3 Tournament $30 per player (3 to 6 players) - U8 through U12


Q:  Can I still register my kid for soccer?
 "On-time" Spring Registrations is open and on-time registration ends on February 1st.  After this date there is a $20 late registration processing fee.  After on-time registration ends it takes around 48 hours to be placed on a team.  We do our best not to turn away any kid that wants to play.  Many times throughout the season positions open and you can be placed on a team even if you enroll mid-season.

Q:   How do you determine a players age?

A:   For the Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 seasons age is based on a child's age as of 12/31/2024.  This guideline is set by the US Youth Soccer Association.  A player must be 4 on 3/1/2025 for the Spring 2025 Season.  We allow players in our league to play up one year through our U12 Divisions.  After U12 we move to Middle School and High School Divisions (We do not allow players to play up into these divisions.)    Players are NOT allowed to play down a division.  This is to keep our divisions fair and equal play.  The rule that allows you to play up a division is so that friends may play together that may be off by a few months or if you would just like a little more competitive play.  Those 2 & 3 years old can participate in our Itty Bitty Soccer Program.


Q:   What day & time are practices?
   Practice days and times are set by our volunteer coaches and available field space.  Usually there is every age group every day of the week for divisions U8 and below.  The average practice starts between 5 PM and 6 PM.  We collect your preferred practice information during registration.  First practices of the Spring season start the week of February 17th.  Once assignments are announced we can provide your options if the assignment does not fit your schedule.


Q:   What time are games?

A:   That depends on total registration.  This season’s game schedule will be posted on March 5th.  Games may be added to locations once we know total team counts.   
Games are on Saturdays at multiple locations.
Currently for the Spring 2025 Leagues game times will range the following for each group: 
U5 & U6 will play games between 8:30 AM and finish by 12:00 PM
U7 & U8 will play games between 8:45 AM and finish by   1:00 PM
U9 & U10 will play games between 8:30 AM and finish by 4:00 PM
U12 & UP will play games between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM  (most play in afternoon)


Q:   Where are games and practices.
   You can see a current list of our fields at the link below: 


Q:   How much does it cost.

A:   We price divisions based on our cost, so as our younger groups do not have referee's means the games cost less.  As kids get older, we add referees to the field per league guideline.

On-Time Registration ends on February 2nd, after this date there is a $20 processing fee.
Ages     League               Play               Prices
  2- 3     Itty-Bitty Soccer Program        $  80        Staff led program.
  4- 5     U5 & U6            4 v 4              $ 100        Coaches on the field, no referee, no keepers.
  6- 8     U7 & U8            6 v 6              $ 110        Modified keeper with staff referee.
  7- 8     U9 & U10          7 v 7              $ 120       One center referee.          
  9-11    U12                  9 v 9              $ 130        3 referee team used, offsides are called.
12-14    Middle School   11v11             $ 140         3 referee team used, offsides are called.
14-17    High School      11v11             $ 140        3 referee team used, offsides are called.

* Members receive a $20 discount.
* Financial Aid is available to those that qualify and covers up to 50% of registration.
* Multiple Child Discount ($10 off each child's registration)
* Coaches Discount (Returning coaches receive 50% discount for their child, after 1 season and 2 on-line courses.)


Q:  Will we have to travel to different fields for games?

A:  In short:  U8 and under, no.  U10 and above, more than likely.  In length:  This depends on total registration.  For a healthy league you want at least 4 teams in a division.  This is so each team play each other twice for the season.  It is normal for leagues to join divisions so that you can do all home games.  These divisions have the same rule modifications.  I would expect enough teams for the U8 and under divisions so the answer would be no, all your games will be at your assigned game field.  For U10 and above, in the case where there are less than 4 teams, teams will be combined with teams within our league so each team would play one home game and one away game.  Middle School and High School divisions may play some games with teams from other youth leagues in the area.  


Q:  How do I find out information like my coach, practices or game schedules?
We use a program called Playerspace to communicate with such a large league.  Playerspace is a sports communication and league management portal that we use to enhance and improve the overall communication and scheduling for our soccer league.  All teams, players, coaches and volunteers will be active users in Playerspace in conjunction with their YMCA registration.  Once registered, all users will have access to all league schedules and information.  Weekly Emails will be sent out 30 days prior to the season starting.  Cancellations due to weather are posted on the website, emailed out to parents and text if you opted to receive them.

Q:  I am having troubles with how to use Playerspace.
  Playerspace is the system we use to communicate with the 2,000+ families in our programs.  It will always have the most up to date information.  This includes your child's team, coach, practice times and game times.  The following site is available to help parents on how to navigate the system.


Q:  I have not heard from anyone, including my coach.  When will this happen?
  Even if coaches don't email you, you will get emails from me via Playerspace.  We send updates out each week.  We have also set-up auto reminders for all practices and game times.  So if you have not received these please scroll to the bottom and problem shoot.  If that still doesn't work please email us so we can trouble shoot.  (Meantime, all information can be found on this site once you are logged in - including the option to email your coach.) 

Q:  When do I get my child's Jersey?
 Jerseys are issued the week prior to first league game.

Q:   What is included in my registration?
  1 weekly practice, 8 games, Jersey, Player award & fun, not in that order.

Q:   Does my child need shin guards and/or cleats?
   5 years old and up:  Shin guards are required for all players.  You can find them for $10 at Target, Wal-Mart, sporting goods store or our snack bar on Saturdays.  Nothing fancy, they will stink at the end of the season, trust me as a parent.  Cleats are not required but at some point if your child likes soccer you will need them.  We have a cleat exchange at the Nir Family YMCA fields (during regular practice times).  Take a pair - give a outgrow quickly.


Q:   What is the Weather Policy?
  Below is our cancellation guidelines for Soccer.




We will email through the Playerspace system to teams that are affected by weather so please check your email before leaving to come to the fields.  I will do my best to cancel as quickly as I can, for last minutes cancellations we will also text as well as email the notification.  There may be a practice/game or two this season that we wait, do not cancel and as you pull up lighting strikes.  We try to keep these to a minimum, but it happens.  Either practice/game will be delayed 30 minutes or cancelled.



For those practicing at YMCA Fields:

Calls for practices are made between 3 PM and 3:30 PM during the week.  Our fields dry quick and weather in NC comes and goes just as quick so we do not cancel until we have too. 

For those practicing at an offside field that is maintained by City, Town or County:

Municipalities will notify us of closures.  Once we are contacted, we will notify the league.  There may be cases where on one side of the county we have practices and one side of the county gets cancelled.

Our Volunteer Coaches:

Our Volunteer Coaches are given the choice to cancel practices before we close fields.  As a coach I knew my parents of 5 year olds would not come out if it was sprinkling.  COACHES, please email us so we can remove from calendar.   NAC Teams will follow field closures.



We play in the rain (the kids love it, parents and our staff not so much.)

We only cancel game and practices if there is lighting, thunder and/or standing water on more than 25% of our fields.  If light rain only, we are going to play.  Calls will be made early in the morning (7 AM to 7:30 AM) for a full day closure or if we will cancel on a game-by-game basis.  Game by game will be called 1 hour before your game time.  There may be some weekends that the 8:30 AM to 11 AM games play and the rest of the day does not.


Q:   What first-aid do you provide?
  We have first-aid kits at the Snack Bar.  Most staff have been CPR certified and couple have more advanced training.  We call 911 for any major injuries.  If you child has any severe condition, please inform me as well as their coach.  Communication with us is key.

Q:   How competitive is your program?
   Our #1 goal is for your player to have "fun".
        U5 & U6   (4 & 5)    "FUN" and basic field spacing and direction.
        U7 & U8   (6 & 7)    "FUN" foot skills, foot skills, foot skills.
        U9 & U10 (8 & 9)    "FUN" introduction of team dynamics.
        U12 & UP         You can make this program whatever you want.  Just fun or competitive we offer both.

Q:  Where should my kid play?  (How to determine age?)
  Your child's soccer age is based on their birth year, so their age on 12/31/24 would be their soccer age.  Youth Soccer is broken down as follows.  U12 "U" stands for Under and 12 is the age, so U12 would be 11 years olds.  Play your child in their appropriate age division.  A child may play up an age group but not play down (unless there is a health-related circumstance.)  Players move up in the fall.    Fall 2024/Spring 2025 based on 12/31/24.


Q:   What are the basic rules in each age group?  (Including what size ball for your child.)

Q:  Can I play my child up or down in a division?
  It is common for a child to play up one level in a recreation league in the younger divisions.  I would speak to your coach or myself if this is something you are concerned about.  It should be rarely that a child is held back.  We are pretty even in all our younger divisions so everyone is nervous about moving up.  This does not go away as your child gets older.  Our goal is that they are having fun playing soccer, fair and safe.

Q:  What is your refund policy?
  Refunds are given.  There is a $25 non-refundable administration fee to help cover the cost that are accrued once a child registers for the program.  Refunds must be requested prior to April 1st for the Spring League AND October 1st for the Fall League.

YMCA Registration & Playerspace Q&A

Q:  I have multiple children in your program, I see one's schedule on PlayerSpace but not the other?
A:  This one is tricky, as it depends on what type of device you’re using on the format.  You are looking for your profile button, should be your first name and last initial with a blank picture, unless you set one up.  Click your name and within your profile you will see "You have 2 kids" or "My Children", click either of those to toggle between your children or view a parent master which will show both.

Q:  There's two parents and we both would like to receive emails.
A:  Want to add your spouse or babysitter to the Playerspace notification system for your child this season.  This is a new function in Playerspace this season.  It will have to be added by whomever signed them up this season.  Using that email to log into Playerspace they will be able to add an additional email.  Note: we are working with our vendor to be able to capture this through the registration process.  We hope to have it available in future seasons.

Below are the instructions to add an additional email to your account.

Q:  Why do I need an YMCA account & a Playerspace account?
A:  The YMCA system is used for registration and collecting funds, this system is called Daxko.  The YMCA Soccer Program uses Playerspace so that you have convenient 24/7 online access to league information such as schedules, practice times, team information, standings and event specifics. You will also be notified through Playerspace of any weather delays or cancellations!

Q:  What if I am not receiving e-mails from Playerspace?
A:  Be sure to check your junk, trash and spam folders for Playerspace.  You will need to add to your safe sender list.  If you use a mobile device, please look for your "spambox" folder, you may need to expand your folder view to locate as this is not the same as your "junk" folder.  If you still do not see it, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Itty Bitty Introduction Program Q&A 
2 & 3 Year-Olds 

Please visit our Itty Bitty Soccer Program Website at:

Presented by US Youth Soccer Association